Market Abuse Detection: 2.0 Tools

The AfterData solution uses big data and artificial intelligence to establish an effective framework for preventing and detecting market abuse, taking into account the increasing number of market manipulation scenarios.

Reducing False Positives

Our intelligent scenarios reduce false positives by 50%. They use artificial intelligence based on the results of previous investigations to generate rules that can then identify new alerts.

Abus De Marché (9)

Yves Rakotomalala, President

“With big data and machine learning, we optimize the number of alerts and make them more relevant.”

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Detect more fraud

Unmatched precision: +30% market abuse detection.

We tailor each scenario to each market (data sources, thresholds, volume, order types). Machine learning incorporates value and investor profiles, which are applied across all transactions. How does machine learning contribute to market abuse detection?  Sans Titre 22 Removebg Preview Learn more.

Manage your alert stock

97% of our alerts are justified thanks to automatic modeling of non-fraudulent behaviors.

Handling alerts generated by these solutions requires time-consuming human analysis. Therefore, it’s essential to reduce false positives without compromising the detection of actual fraud.


Jean-Denis Rathier RCSI

« Old-generation tools that generate 200 alerts for only 2 relevant ones were exhausting our teams.»

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Scenario Details

The concept of market abuse, as defined by Regulation 596/2014 Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”), includes any unlawful behavior in the markets:

  • Unlawful behavior.
  • Insider trading.
  • Unlawful disclosure of privileged information.
  • Market manipulation.

Visuel Table Ronde Hd 19 Octobre 2021 (5)